Brazilian virtual reality experience wins award in France.
Imagine yourself visiting an anthropology museum, seeking to discover more about our ancestral origins and the humans who came before us. And there you are, in a traditional, maybe even slightly futuristic museum, learning about the social group that inhabited Serra da Capivara between 6,000 and 12,000 years ago - possibly the oldest record in all of Latin America. The subject fascinates you, and you certainly wish to learn more about the history of these people. Suddenly, during a general blackout, you begin to hear the sounds of maracas, a fire ignites on the museum floor, and shadows appear around you. A portal through time opens, and in the blink of an eye, you are transported into that ancient reality... Everything around you is alive and happening in real-time. And you, a stranger, are called upon to engage in the rituals, participate in the mural paintings, and are summoned to take part in the hunt for the giant animals that once inhabited the area.
This is the script of the virtual reality experience Tinta & Fogo, created by StudioKWO and VRXP, which just won the award for best virtual reality at the Laval Festival in France.
The Atelier Magui Kampf created the exhibit design for the first presentation of Tinta & Fogo, which is currently on display at the SEB Institute's Factory in Ribeirão Preto. The exhibition features three islands dedicated to virtual experiences, as well as photographs with augmented reality that provide a three-dimensional view of the caves, paintings, and landscapes, and a 4-meter-high panel with the skeleton of a giant sloth in an attacking position! What is the sloth doing there? Well, you'll need to experience the immersive exhibit to find out!
Congratulations to the entire team of our partners, Francisco Almendra, Nelson Porto, Alexandre Calil, for creating such an exciting, brilliant, and captivating work! Long live INK & FIRE!